The world is full of temptations and things that are pleasant and pleasurable
Many of these things are associated with sin at some level, others distract us from serving Yah
Serving Yah requires sacrifice, NOT necessarily the death that Yahooshua died but death to self will and worldly pleasures
This does NOT mean that Yah does NOT want you to have a pleasant life but it DOES mean that He wants you to prioritize your life
Frankly, speaking from own experience, the more you seek Yah the less many of the things in this world will attract you
AND, the more you understand the HUGE reward that awaits those who overcome to the end, the MORE you will forgo the pleasures of this life to seek Yah, to spend time with Him, to DO the works that He has appointed for YOU to DO in His service, etc
In particular, within a relatively short space of time after becoming a believer He will start asking you to minister to others, He does NOT want you sitting as a prisoner in church or other assembly under a leader who is keeping you from relationship with Him
By ALL means listen to others and learn from them but this is VAIN if it keeps you from a close relationship with Yah
All the above is, in a way, "death" to this world
There is a further "death" when you fast you CAN ask for your flesh to be put to death with Yahooshua and for the Spirit of Yah to live in and through you -- the more frequently you pray this and seek it and the more you fast, within reason, the greater the anointing that will come upon you and the GREATER the extent to which you will die to self and the world to the point where in a REAL way your body will at some level die and ONLY be kept alive by Yah's Spirit
IF you then disobey, fail to worship, turn away from Him such that the anointing wanes you will AGE VERY QUICKLY and, in cases where one has an intense anointing and then falls into deep sin that carries a death penalty they may die very quickly
Do NOT seek to serve the Almighty in this way (praying to be put to death with Yahooshua) UNLESS you SERIOUSLY are committed to Yah for the rest of your life
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