Chesed is a Hebrew word that is generally translated "love" or "loving kindness", "chesed" is covenant love, it is love that believes the best, that keeps its word, that respects, that treats well, it cares, it is concerned, it is MUCH bigger than the English word "love" as most people understand it
To understand Yah you MUST understand His chesed, His covenant love, the firm but gentle love that He has for us as children and, as we mature, as adults and finally mature leaders
Yah is STRICT AND just
He rebukes and He gently chides as appropriate to our circumstances
If you have had a firm and just earthly father, as I had, you will understand chesed at some level, if you have had a father who abused, fornicated, engaged in drunken rages, who beat you you will have great difficulty in understanding Chesed and therefore in understanding Father -- ask Him to teach you about His love and how to love the way that He loves AND to heal your emotional hurts
If you ARE such a man as described above then you have MUCH work to do to change your behaviour, CRY OUT TO YAH for mercy and forgiveness and the anointing to BREAK your destructive behaviour, you will need to exercise SELF DISCIPLINE regarding these destructive behaviours for the rest of your life
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