A major problem amongst believers relates to believing men who are in lack because their house is divided, either because they have unresolved one flesh bonds with more than the woman or women with whom they are in covenant (have a sexual relationship with in accordance with Yah's laws) or because their woman or women are NOT in harmony and agreement with them
There are two elements to this, one relates to sin and adultery -- see the article on "The Virgin's Covenant" and other related articles
This point relates to a much more complex issue, the spiritual alignment or lack of alignment of the man with his legal (before Yah) woman or women
If the man says and does one thing and his woman says or does something contradictory the house is divided and it WILL fall and, in most cases, this will come through the finances before any other judgment
This proves to be extremely challenging, a woman can have a deep seated belief about a certain thing while her husband has another belief such that in the spirit realm they are NOT aligned at a level that is visible in the spirit realm -- immediately the Satanic realm will seek a judgment to cause them to lose business, lose a job, suffer unexpected financial loss, etc -- whatever is necessary to keep the family in lack
Frequently this comes in the form of "hindrance" - business deals are delayed, orders are withdrawn, things slow down financially
In such a case there is NO point in going begging to others for financial assistance and seeking charity, the couple or family must do what they have to do in order to come into alignment and harmony and STAY in that position
Given the complexities of life in this age this can be hugely challenging, particularly where a man and woman have entered into covenant {married} late in life and both have very entrenched beliefs and patterns
Yah's intention was that women should enter into covenant at puberty so that they could easily align with their man (who was intended to be quite a bit older)
That convention has been almost totally lost and where it is still practised there are other errors and evil that totally neutralize Yah's intention in the matter
In practical terms, BEFORE consummating a covenant a man and woman should discuss their views on critical issues and IF they do NOT agree they should NOT enter into covenant i.e. do NOT have sex!
This is particularly an issue for the woman as it is her responsibility to enter into the covering and protection of her man and this necessitates that she is the one who has to make adjustments in order to achieve a harmonious and aligned union that can prosper
At the same time it is required of the man to create an environment in which his woman or women CAN be aligned and in harmony with him
This requires that he is gentle, caring, considerate and nurturing towards his woman or women
It requires FULL transparency in BOTH directions -- NO secrets, NO secret relationships, certainly NO sexual relationships outside the family unit
It is vital that there is full partnership, the woman is intended to be a helpmeet, a helper meet (suitable) for her man, she is intended to work with and in partnership with her man as an integrated whole in every area of their lives
IF a man and woman (or women IF they practice polygyny) are in complete harmony the family will prosper, if NOT they will be in poverty
This principle applies whether the family is serving Yah or Satan but those who serve Satan at an intense level generally understand and apply this principle on a much more effective level than believers
The more intensely you seek to serve Yah the more intensely the Satanic Realm will use ANY disharmony or misalignment to obtain judgments against you leading to hindrance of your finances
The alignment between a man and a woman can be seen visibly in the spirit realm so the forces of darkness can observe from a distance and immediately see when the house is divided and therefore set about bringing about its fall
Note that it IS possible for the man to align himself with the woman instead of the way Yah intended it and this will ALSO work, many Charismatic churches teach this in an oblique way and it works for them
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